
EDA has 1,800 sq. ft. of secure modern laboratory space. In addition, EDA leases laboratory time.

In-House Facilities

  • EDA Vacuum Chamber
    • High Vacuum Thermovac
    • Dimensions: 1.0 meter diameter x 2.0 meter length
    • Pumping capabilities: 10-7 Torr Base Pressure
EDA Vacuum Chamber
  • UHV EDA Vacuum Chamber
    • UHV chamber
    • Dimensions: 0.3 m diameter sphere
    • Pumping Capabilities: 10-10 Torr at 210 L/s
UHV EDA Vacuum Chamber
  • Regulated DC power supplies ranging up to 30kV and 580 Amps
    • Dedicated 208 and 480 3φ power buses for industrial applications
    • An inert atmosphere glovebox and ventilation hoods for nano-particle handling
Regulated DC power supplies ranging up to 30kV and 580 Amps
  • Electrical and optical benches
Electrical and optical benches
  • A workshop with a lathe, a mill, a drillpress and other tools for in-house machining and prototyping.
A workshop with a lathe, a mill, a drillpress

Contract Facilities

  • Large Vacuum Test Facility (LVTF)
    • Dimensions: 9 m long x 6 m diameter
    • Pumping capabilities: 10-7 Torr at 500,000 L/s
Large Vacuum Test Facility
  • Small Chamber (Junior)
    • Dimensions: 2 m long x 1 m diameter
    • Pumping capabilities: 4 x 10-6 Torr at 1,400 L/s
Small Chamber (Junior)
  • Cathode Test Facility (CTF)
    • Dimensions: 2.4 m long x 0.6 m diameter
    • Pumping capabilities: 2 x 10-8 Torr at 1,500 L/s
Cathode Test Facility
Custom taxonomy