MEMS Gate Structures for Electric Propulsion ApplicationsField Emissions Cathode (FEC)


MEMS Gate Structures for Electric Propulsion ApplicationsField Emissions Cathode (FEC)


  • Miniaturized, low-power electric propulsion (EP) systems are of particular interest for attitude control, orbit repositioning, accurate formation- and station-keeping, and primary propulsion on small satellites and spacecraft.
  • However, current state-of-the-art hollow cathodes are not suitable for miniaturized EP systems.
MEMS Gate Structures for Electric Propulsion ApplicationsField Emissions Cathode (FEC)


  • This project seeks to develop a robust, flexible, and efficient FEC using MEMS gate structures and boron nitride as the emission substrate.
    • No need for propellant, thus lowering overall system mass
    • No need for heaters, thus improving system performance and efficiency at low power
    • Semiconductor fabrication techniques, thus lowering cost


MEMS Gate Structures for Electric Propulsion ApplicationsField Emissions Cathode (FEC) Results

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